Tuesday, October 6, 2009

How Can I Achieve Permanent Hair Removal?

Many people have a strong desire to remove unwanted hair. For example, men may wish to remove unsightly back hair and women may wish to remove hair on their legs. Oftentimes, these reasons are cosmetic as contemporary Western culture tends to have a negative perception of hair on body parts other than the scalp and the face and chest for men. The problem is that shaving unwanted hair can be a time consuming and laborious process that must be undertaken daily. As such, many people have decided to opt for permanent hair removal so that shaving is no longer required. This article will explore some of the ways through which this has been advertised as possible.

Firstly, the only permanent hair removal solution for most consumers is electrolysis. This process is time consuming and can be somewhat painful (although it has been noted that most customers do not require pain relief medication), however, the results are by far the best. Less than 10% of all clients report unsatisfactory results, making it very successful overall. Electrolysis works by inserting a very small metal probe into the hair follicle which then delivers a small jolt of electricity to damage the area that's responsible for generating the hair. The metal probe, if done correctly, should not need to puncture the skin, thus significantly reducing the amount of pain. As one can likely see, though, this method is going to be quite long for large amounts of hair, and may require multiple appointments. Be advised that a "personal electrolysis" kit can be very difficult procedure to perform correctly, so be careful and read the directions in detail. For some individuals, it may be a better choice to consult with an experienced professional about this treatment for permanent hair removal.

Another popular removal solution is laser hair removal. While it is true that laser hair removal is by far the fastest and easiest way to remove large patches of hair, the problem is that it can only target dark hair, preferably on a lighter skinned individual. The laser option works by targeting melanin, a substance that gives both skin and hair a dark color. Hence, on a darker skinned person, the laser would target the skin just as much as the hair, thereby causing quite a bit of damage. However, with that said, for a light skinned individual who wants to remove black or brown hair, laser treatment is fast and efficient. Only 5-7 treatments are usually needed and they are often spaced 3-12 weeks apart.

While there are many other methods of removing hair, these are really the only two that truly achieve permanent hair removal. Hair treatment is a largely unregulated industry and thus you need to be very careful about who you trust to achieve the results you want. Discuss your options with a professional and try to get a guarantee of permanent hair removal in writing. Also, use your instincts. Look for doctors who explain the procedure in detail and shy away from those who claim 100% success. No procedure has that high of a success rate.

We offer free information and recommendations for permanent hair removal. We encourage you to visit our website at http://www.finally-permanent-hair-removal.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gust_Lenglet

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