Monday, March 29, 2010

Permanent Hair Removal at Home - Top Options

With the advancement of technology, consumers are more and more able to perform many things at home for themselves and permanent hair removal at home is no exception. Many of the hair removal procedures used to be exclusively available as a professional service be it in a spa by a licensed professional or by the doctor in the office. New products are becoming available nowadays at prices more and more within the reach of the consumer making it worth-while to learn the pros and cons of these methods to decide whether permanent hair removal at home should be a choice for you.

One of the major methods of permanent hair removal is laser hair removal. A concentrated beam of light is targeted to the area desired damaging the follicle resulting in removal of unwanted hair. This method, though widely used and effective, is only used for dark hair on light skin. Because the property of the laser is to seek out pigment, it would not be suitable for dark skin or lighter hair. The cost of professional treatment can reach thousands but a home unit cost about $450 to $600. When employed correctly, this is a great method of permanent hair removal but without proper training, you may end up giving yourself a laser burn and a less than desirable outcome.

Electrolysis seems to be the most permanent of all procedures but it is very time consuming. You need to zap each and every hair follicle with a metal rod as thin as one's hair or even thinner sometimes. Electrolysis can be very painful if not skillfully applied. The strength of the current has to be just so, in order to achieve the best results with the least amount of the pain caused. The cost of the professional session is about $50 to $150 an hour as opposed to the cost of a home unit ranging from $30 to $70. Some of these units come with pads to apply the electric current instead of the metal rods. Steer clear of these products as they are not likely to deliver the results promised.

As in anything we expect good results from, it is best to do research ahead of time in order to achieve the best possible outcome in permanent hair removal at home. In doing so, you should be able to decide which method is best suited for you by looking at whether you are a good candidate for each method and whether the cost or investment of time is acceptable to you.

For more information on Permanent Hair Removal, visit

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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Permanent Hair Removal - 5 Reasons to Choose IPL

Permanent Hair Removal - 5 Reasons to Choose Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Rather Than Laser Depilation

Permanent hair removal is increasingly popular in Montreal and in Canada, as much for women as for men. There are several techniques to permanently remove unwanted hair, among which laser technology is the most widely used. However, a recent technology, which now surpasses laser-based interventions, has recently been developed. Its name: pulsed light hair removal. This technology and laser-type are quite similar, but pulsed light offers many advantages:

Increased efficiency

The pulsed lights systems emit intense light impulsions that are projected into the hair follicle. The follicle's pigment absorbs light, which is then transformed into heat. Such heat releases the hair and prevents the growth of another hair in that follicle. Moreover, since the light pulses actually get into the skin, you don't have to wait for your hair to become visible to schedule your treatment. Thanks to permanent intense pulsed light (IPL), you are free from undesirable body hair almost all the time.

Increased quickness

Pulsed light permanent hair removal is based upon a new medical technology that definitely eliminates hair, up to ten times faster than the laser hair removal method. The process of removing hair follicles, on a woman's legs or a man's back, is completed within 30 minutes. Smaller areas (armpits, upper lip or bikini line) are done even faster!

Increased comfort

Techniques that require pulling out your body hair may be very painful. IPL is virtually painless and no damage will occur to your skin. In fact, most of the clients and reviews admit that pulsed light hair removal treatments are clearly more comfortable than laser.

Increased safety

Pulsed light hair removal diffuses no ultraviolet radiations. This technique thus presents absolutely no cancerogenic risk. In addition, IPL treatments leave your skin perfectly healthy, without any redness nor skin irritation. Results are immediate and medical evidence show practically non-existant side effects.

Increased safety for all skin types

IPL is suitable for all skin types. All body parts may benefit from hair removing treatments, except for the area around the eyes, and all almost painlessly. The most frequent body parts to be treated are:

* men's bikini line
* women's bikini line
* buttocks' separation line
* buttocks
* armpits
* arms
* back
* chest
* abdomen
* upper lip
* ears
* area between eyebrows (glabella)
* chin
* face

Hopefully these tips will have helped you compare the best treatment solution between laser and intense pulse light hair removal so you can reach your definite sexy and clean look.

The Skins Body Clinics are experts specialized in body and face hair removal, among which permanent intense pulsed light hair removal in Montreal, lipomassage with endermology, microdermabrasion, photofacial, and much more. Safe and professional treatments, given in friendly and warm surroundings. Come and discover the Skins Beauty Clinics located in Brossard, Longueuil and Montreal. Moreover, your first consultation by appointment is always free!

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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Discovering Your Options For Permanent Hair Removal

If you're thinking about going with any particular hair remover, make sure you know enough about that type of treatment and the procedures involved. Today, there are numerous options available for you to choose from. However, one treatment may not necessarily work for everyone. This article will outline the common questions and answers on different hair removal treatments.

What Are My Options?

You have two main options and these are permanent and temporary hair removal. With the permanent option, it's not always the case that the unwanted hair is permanently eliminated. This is because there's such a thing as a resting phase, and so more treatments may be needed to get rid of all the hair. A long-term or permanent hair remover may be a laser hair removal treatment or electrolysis.

Temporary option is more commonly used. This is because it is very convenient and easy on the money. For instance, using razors or waxing will only cost you less than $20 at a time, while undergoing laser treatment or electrolysis will generally cost you thousands of dollars.

What Can You Get Out Of Permanent Body Hair Removal?

While permanent treatment can be expensive, there are some pretty good benefits you can get from it. For one, you no longer have to use a razor regularly. Another thing is that permanent body hair usually leaves the skin much smoother and clearer because all the hair is removed from the root. Permanent treatment also prevents stubble and ingrown hair.

Does Laser Treatment Hurt?

Yes, laser permanent treatment may hurt a little but it really all depends on your pain threshold. Most patients can easily handle this type of treatment with minimal discomfort. The sensation can be described as a rubber band lashing at your skin multiple times. It can also be described as being slightly more painful than waxing. If the pain is unbearable for you, your physician may apply a numbing cream beforehand.

Is Electrolysis Painful?

All types of electrolysis basically burn out the hair follicles. With this procedure, a very small amount of electric current is actually used to get rid of hair. This hair remover may sound extremely painful but for the majority of patients, however, it isn't as painful as it seems. If the treatment is done properly, the skin is kept safe and the pain can be described as simply uncomfortable. Pain may be minimized with over-the-counter pain killers and numbing creams as recommended by your doctor.

Discover a safe and painless unwanted hair removal treatment method. Read independent and unbiased reviews of the best hair removal treatments online.

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