Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Which Permanent Hair Removal Method is Right For You?

Permanent Laser Hair Removal

There are two ways that are commonly used to get rid of unwanted hair on a more permanent basis. These two methods are electrolysis and laser hair removal. Both electrolysis and laser are effective in eliminating hair over a period of time. Both of these methods surely beat plucking or shaving every day. But which one is right for you?

Here are a few things to consider:

Both of these procedures aim to kill the hair follicle. With electrolysis the process is somewhat invasive as it utilizes a needle to penetrate the skin in order the reach the follicle. With laser hair removal a laser light is used to get to the hair follicle. It does penetrate the skin.

When comparing the two procedures it is important to examine the side effects of each process. There have been some reports that electrolysis is some what painful. In other instances, electrolysis has led to a person getting a small electrical shock as the current can flow through the needle.

With laser hair removal there really hasn't been many ill side effects of this nature. Only some people have reported irritation in people with very sensitive skin.

One other thing to pay attention to is the limitations that each procedure has. Usually electrolysis is used on smaller areas of the body like the face. Laser hair removal usually works better on those who have light skin and darker hair.

Also, both treatments will need more than one session in order to prove effective. Electrolysis typically needs about six 30 minute session within two weeks. Laser technology typically needs several 10 minute sessions over a two week period as well.

One remaining big deciding factor is how much each procedure costs. However, cost will vary depending on where you live. Electrolysis can average $250 per session and laser hair removal can cost any where from $300-$2000 per session.

Choosing the right procedure for you will take a bit of research. But, once you have all you need to know then the choice will be easier.

Learn more about permanent hair removal and other laser hair removal information.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kel_Irene

Permanent Laser Hair Removal


jason said...

That is correct. I have read this article also at ezine basically I did research and read testimonials to a different sites that offers and gives best information about which of the two methods works perfect.

After I was convinced in which treatment to choose based on my research and understanding which is best. I did choose permanent hair removal treatment after all. it is totally painless as what you have mentioned in your post.

Though is post is only a review for me but still I have appreciate it for spreading the thoughts about hair removal treatment.


Anonymous said...

The biggest advantage of laser hair removal is the freedom of getting hair removed from different body parts.
I'm a guy and I prefer the completely shaved smooth look . unfortunately I have pretty coarse body hair, and shaving barely keeps it away and i often get ingrown hairs, plus its a hassle.
Waxing is a pain in the butt. But since I had Permanent Hair Removal that answered my problem.
The most comfortable and effective laser experience available.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for providing the right method for permanent hair removal. Really a very useful blog for us!!

Hair removal permanent